Rangiora Parish

Woodend Church

Woodend methodist Church 12 2022

Sunday Service

9.00 am Weekly on Sunday.

86 Main North Road, Woodend.

Special Services

Spring Festival - 8th September 9.00am

Harvest Thanksgiving

Breakfast Church

Memorial/Candle Light Service

Wednesday movie afternoon - First Wednesday of the month at 1p.m. Afternoon tea provided, $5 donation.

IMG 4256

Parish Notice Board

Woodend and Trinity Churches share one Minister and Parish Council. 

Rev. Darryn R. Hickling is available to provide prayer, support and for a coffee and chat. 

The Woodend Church buildings are completed and are now available for hire.

Hall, kitchen, 2 foyer areas, chapel space, small meeting room.

Contact: Kaye (Admin Secretary) at 313 3448 or via email [E-Mail not displayed]